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Wildlife Welfare
Mistreatment of animals is an issue not only with pets, but also with wildlife around the world. Concerns such as economics and support of industries may get in the way of protecting wildlife. Governments may kill animals in order to appease farmers, cruel practices such as capturing and raising animals for fur are allowed for […]
A Dog Named Fido
Latin dictionaries define the name Fido as meaning “to trust, believe, confide in”. Books describing origins of names say that Fido means “I am faithful.” All apt descriptions of dogs. Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, esteemed for preserving the Union and ending slavery, was a pet lover as well. Lincoln often recovered […]
Why Dogs Chase Cars
Dogs chase cars mainly for two reasons. They are either playing a game or hunting. Dogs are prey animals and will chase other moving objects besides cars such as people riding bicycles or on skateboards, motorcycles, joggers, cats, other animals. Dogs take turns chasing each other when playing a game that looks much like tag. […]