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Walk Your Cat
Some of us have cats that long for the great outdoors. But there are dangers out there for our kitties. One solution is to walk your cat, much as you would a dog. Here’s how. First be sure your cat is current on all vaccinations before going outdoors – you don’t want to pick up […]
Feral Horse and Burro Roundups
Wayne Pacelle of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) reminds us that the welfare of the feral (or as they are sometimes known, wild) horses and burros on federal lands is a major concern. These animals are rounded up using helicopters and baiting them with water to lure them into a corral. This […]
Common Clownfish
This fish can be called Ocellaris Clownfish, Common or False Percula Clownfish. Males grow to about 2.75 in., females to 4.3 in. Damsels may be territorial. Minimum size tank 25 gal. They are found in the Eastern Indian Ocean and the Tropical Pacific and is similar to the Percula Clownfish. This fish is both easy […]