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Blueface Angelfish
Males are 15 in., females smaller. The juveniles are seen as cleaner fish and ignored and adults can look after themselves. Best kept singly. Tank size is a minimum of 160 gal. Found in the Western Indian Ocean to the tropical Pacific. List of Fish Andaman Damselfish Arabian (Orange) Dottyback Asful (Arabian) Angelfish Australian Anemonefish […]
Keeping Paws off Poisons and on Natural Supplements
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Emerald Toucanet
Description Emerald Toucanet are the most commonly distributed birds of the toucan family consisting of about 17 sub-species . As the name implies , Emerald Toucanets are smaller than toucans and nest in tree hollows . Where does the Emerald Toucanet come from? This bird is native to mountainous regions of Mexico, Central America, Northern […]