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Check Your Ferret for Deafness
Deafness in ferrets may be difficult to diagnose. They normally have short attention spans and because they can be stubborn, may not wish to respond to you. But your ferret should be evaluated for deafness for safety’s sake. If an emergency arises, you need to get your ferret’s attention to save him/her from disaster. As […]
Understanding Your Ferret
As with all animals, ferrets speak volumes with their bodies as well as their voices. Learning to read your ferret’s language makes for a happier, closer relationship. When your ferret is hungry or thirsty, s/he will tell you by playing with the food or water bowl. If there is food remaining in the bowl, s/he […]
Feeding Your Ferret
Ferrets are carnivores and don’t get any nutritional benefits from eating plants. Their diet must be high in animal protein, high in fat, and low in fiber. Ferrets have a short digestive system and a quick metabolism. Food should always be available to them. Obesity is not a concern, since ferrets only eat as much […]