Understanding the nature of your pets can help you better care for them. Our pets are both similar and different from humans, and the differences can sometimes be crucial. If you are curious about the inner workings of the animals you live with, the articles below will shed some light.
Articles about biology:
- Anatomy of a Dog
- Are Dewclaws Useful?
- Are Wolves Really Our Dogs’ Ancestors
- Bearded Dragons Sleeping Open-Mouthed
- Can Animals Sense Disasters?
- Can Veterinary Research Find a Cure for Viruses
- Cats – Orange Males, Calico Females
- Do Animals Dream?
- Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?
- Do Pets Have Good Memories?
- How Does Catnip Work?
- How Well Do Cats Hear
- How do Chameleons Change Color?
- Is Your Pet Left or Right-Handed
- Nocturnal Pets
- Pet Intelligence
- Preening
- The Glowing Cat
- What Your Dog’s Tongue Tells About Health
- Why Are Tropical Birds So Colorful?
- Why Do Animals Have Tails?
- Why Do Birds Flock?
- Why Do Birds Have Beaks?
- Why Do Cats Like Fish?