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Vaccinating an Exotic Pet
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tells us that the rabies virus can be transmitted to all mammals, humans too. Some mammals are carriers of the rabies virus and are referred to as reservoirs. Commonly, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, skunks and some species of bats are reservoirs but can also be infected by the […]
Survior Story: Birgit and Saboo
Saboo – was diagnosed with bone cancer in August 2006. Her front right leg was amputated September 2006. We did not use any chemotherapy but added a lot of supplements to her healthy food. My hero Saboo after almost 5 years (just a month short) since her bone cancer diagnosis at 16.5 years passed over […]
HSUS Reports on Seals
The HSUS reminds us that the European Union, the United States, Mexico and Croatia banned trade in seal products in 2011. The Russian Federation, Kazakhstan and Belarus have joined in and stopped trade in harp seal fur. Seal skin prices have dropped dramatically in Canada. The number of participating hunters dropped from the thousands to […]