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Do Pets Recognize Littermates
No one really knows for sure, but it is believed that some pets can recognize their littermates after being separated for a time, particularly if separation occurs after 8-10 weeks old. We know from studies that wolves bond with littermates and form packs. They do not usually accept a stranger into their pack. Researchers have […]
Feline Oral Contraceptive
Please read: Update on Feline Contraceptive FeralStat There is, fianlly, a feline oral contraceptive called FERALSTAT on the market. FeralStat has been used in humans since the early 1950s. Veterinarians have prescribed it for skin problems, urinary tract infections and behavioral disorders in cats for more than 30 years. It is simple to administer – […]
Horner’s Syndrome
Horner’s Syndrome occurs when there is damage to the sympathetic nervous system. It is a neurological problem affecting the eye and facial muscles and can be seen in both cats and dogs. The autonomic nervous system contains subsystems, one of which is the sympathetic which controls “fight or flight” stress responses of the body. The […]