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Black Rat Snake
What are some facts about the Black Rat Snake? The Black Rat Snake, also known as the Mountain Black Snake and Pilot Black Snake, lives in the North Central U.S., Vermont through to Wisconsin and south to Northeast Texas and Georgia. The coloring is black to dark brown with patches of red, yellow, orange or […]
Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth
Brushing your pet’s teeth daily takes only seconds and can save you and your pet from needless misery. Plaque (tartar) buildup can occur very quickly and usually begins near or at the gum-line. It’s always best to accustom your pet to your touch all over his/her body including the mouth and teeth. But it’s never […]
Talking Mynah
Where does the Mynah come from? The Mynah is native to Ceylon and India and have even been seen in Indonesia. In India, the Mynah is thought of as sacred. Greater Hill Mynahs and Java Hill Mynahs are the most popular of the species as they are the best talkers. What does the Mynah look […]