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Taking in a Rescue Horse
This article will give you an overview of what to expect those first few, critical days. As horse lovers our hearts break when we see horses in need. This article will help clarify what role you can take and how best to care for your new rescue if you go that route. I have taken […]
Measuring a Horse’s Height
A horse’s height is measured by the number of hands from the ground up to the withers. The horse’s withers are the top of the shoulder at the highest point, between the neck and the back. The agreed upon measurement of the hand is equal to 4 inches. Historians believe this measurement may date back […]
Caring for a Senior Horse
A 20 year old or older horse is considered senior and requires some special care. Older horses need special attention paid to their dental care. Their teeth should be checked once a year. If their teeth fall out or become uneven, the horse will not be able to eat properly. Some older horses may need […]