Protecting the Environment

Pet owners should be concerned with environmental issues such as global warming, dwindling natural resources, pollution, overpopulation, habitat destruction and disappearing wildlife. The cleaner the environment we live in, the cleaner the environment our pets live in as well. Environmentally-friendly choices begin with choosing to adopt the right pet and continue with responsible care and “green” consumerism.

To protect your pet and your family, consider using filtered water, natural pet care and cleaning products, child- and pet-friendly de-icing products outdoors in the winter and eco-friendly cat litter. To benefit the animal community, adopt a shelter pet, spay or neuter your dogs and cats and keep pets indoors to protect native wildlife and help stop the spread of disease. To limit environmental damage caused by pets, use biodegradable, compostable bags for disposing of your dog’s feces and toys and beds made from environmentally-friendly materials. Do not flush cat litter down the toilet, since it can damage drinking water.

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