Inspired by a love of animals, Susan Marino is the founder and Executive Director of an extraordinary place caring for animals with special needs – ANGEL’S GATE.
Susan is a Licensed Veterinary Technician, using a holistic approach to caring for her charges. She has appeared on TV shows, gives lectures and has received many awards for her work, among them, the ASPCA Founders Award 2001 and The Woman of Distinction Award for the State of New York. Susan has many writings to her credit as well.
A variety of animals, abused, abandoned, those “who are terminally or critically ill or old or physically challenged come to the hospice to live out their days in peace, dignity and love.” The Albany Times Union, in an article entitled “Dying Pets Lived Among Dead” (20 Apr. 2011)[1], reported that the Delaware County district attorney’s office was asked to review a 26-page complaint into Angel’s Gate detailing that “animals to suffer and perish in squalor.” The complaint describes[2]: paralyzed animals who dragged themselves until they developed bleeding ulcers-at least one exposed bone; animals who suffered from urine scald when diapers weren’t changed; dehydrated animals confined without access to water; animals suffering from treatable conditions without veterinary examination or care, including open wounds and respiratory, eye, ear, mouth, and skin infections; animals suffering from pain, seizures, and hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and who were denied veterinarian-recommended and/or prescribed medication; and crowded conditions so stressful that fights broke out daily, leaving animals with wounds that were left untreated.
We’ve included this video from PETA. Be warned, it is very upsetting to see the neglect taking place in the hospice.
Angel’s Gate is a non-profit hospice for animals that require care that their humans are not able to give them. Many of the 400 animals presently living at the home include dogs, cats, parrots, ducks, swan, pigeons, geese, chickens and rabbits. Whatever their needs – physical therapy, medical or nursing care, all are attended to. The animals except for the parrots are free to roam in secure areas. Chickens, pigeons and all water fowl are penned at night for their safety.
There is no charge when Angel’s Gate accepts an animal. They depend on contributions and have supporters all over the world.
The hospice is now located on a 100 acre farm in Delhi, Delaware County, New York. Visitors are must call for an appointment beforehand.