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Ukranian Levkoy
Where does the Ukranian Levkoy come from? Developed by breeder Elena Biriukana in the Ukraine, the Levkoy is a product of mating between a Scottish Fold male and a Donsky Sphynx female as well as domestic and other oriental cats. The forward folded ears and little or no hair is due to a dominant mutation. […]
Front Paw Implant at NCSU
At North Carolina’s State School of Veterinary Medicine, a prosthetic front paw implant was performed on a 5 year old Siberian Husky. As a puppy, Zeus, the Husky, lost his paw when a female dog mauled him through his cage at the farm where he was bred. In spite of his problems, Zeus was adopted […]
Deciphering Blood Tests in Dogs
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