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Dog Types
Dog breeds are usually categorized by the functional type. Some dogs may fit into more than one category. For instance, working dogs can also be excellent companion dogs. It is important to know what type of dog a specific breed is, so that expectations are realistic. If you adopt a dog which has been bred […]
Support the “HAPPY” Act (H.R. 3501)
This bill was brought to my attention by a member of the bonecancerdogs group where I am also a member. The Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (“HAPPY”) Act is a federal bill, supported by the ASPCA, that would allow responsible pet owners to deduct qualifying pet care and veterinary care to be tax-deductible. […]
Addison’s Disease
Addison’s Disease is caused by the adrenal gland not producing enough cortisol or aldosterone. It usually affects young to middle-age female dogs, but any dog can develop the disease. Addison’s is rare in cats. Addison’s is difficult to diagnose because symptoms mirror so many other diseases – fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting and muscle pain. The adrenal […]