Funny Pet Videos


Pets do the cutest things and sometimes their humans even manage to catch them on film. If you enjoy watching funny pet videos, here are some websites which collect them:

CAFA stands for “Cute And Funny Animals.” The videos are not original to the site but rather taken from and YouTube. CAFA saves you the effort of searching through a much larger website for the type of videos you are looking for. You can browse by date, type of pet or top 100 videos.

Funny Animal Videos is a website where users sign up for an account and upload their pet videos. If you register, you can join specific groups and make friends on the site.

Cute Animal Videos searches the web for cute animal videos and constantly updates the site with new material. This website is part of a program where video websites make money from ads on their site, so it contains many ads pertaining to this program.

Funny Animals TV also searches the web for the funniest animal videos. The categories on this site are divided based on activity as opposed to type of pet. You can upload your own videos but they will only go live if the administrators of the site approve them.

Pawnation has a section on Funny Animal Videos. Each video is accompanied by a short explanatory text. You can browse them in the order they were uploaded but they are not divided by category.

PetTube is a “website dedicated to pets and the people who love them. We are opening up our large library of funny animal videos to give you unlimited access to clips that have been featured on television shows and in commercials around the world.” Users can upload their own videos and there is even a weekly contest for best video.

On Associated Content there is a list of Top 10 Funny Animal Videos from YouTube. How Stuff Works has its own list of Top 5 Animal Videos – more scientific than just plain entertaining. Pawnation features its Top 10 Animal Videos of the Year. These are not all funny; they are described as being “cute, ridiculous, eye-opening or hysterical.” MyPetHealthGuide noticed that Time Magazine’s top 50 YouTube videos included lots of animal videos and posted a list of YouTube’s Top Funny Animal Videos.

Watching pets do funny things can be relaxing, entertaining and educational all at once, so check out some of these websites and…enjoy!

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