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Bearded Dragon
What are some facts about the Bearded Dragon? The Bearded Dragon is native to Australia. It is an excellent climber and lives in rocky, arid areas. Heads are large and triangular. Bodies are flat with pointy side ridges. Colors can be light tan to dark brown and highlighted with red, gold or blue. When it […]
What are some of the different species of Python like? The Ball Python grows to 3-5 feet long and lives up to 40 years. It is docile and easy to handle, but best to get a Ball Python bred in captivity. It will roll itself into a ball to avoid danger. A 30-40 gallon tank […]
There are more than 4,000 types of lizard in the world. Most live in the tropics. The largest living lizard in the world is the Komodo Dragon, native to the central archipelago of Indonesia. The Komodo’s average length is 6.6-9.8 feet with tails as long as their bodies. An interesting fact about the Komodo – […]