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Benefits of Professional Pet Care Services
When you have to get away from home for business or pleasure and you own pets, you may have to figure out what to do with your pets. You can always leave your pets with people close to you, who will watch your pets for free many times, but the imposition on loved ones is […]
Take a Stand For Dogs-HSUS
From the HSUS: The U.S. Department of Agriculture has proposed a landmark rule to require that all large-scale dog breeders be subject to federal inspection to ensure their dogs are humanely treated. But the American Kennel Club, which says it’s the “dogs’ champion,” is working to stall and stop this critical advance for the welfare […]
Teaching Toddlers About Pets
Your toddler is reaching the age of exploration and takes new interest in your pet. Children are never too young to learn how to treat pets, especially at this stage. The most important thing to remember is never leave you toddler unattended with your pet. You must be there to supervise playtime and any time. […]