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Why Dog Urine Kills Grass
You’ve put a lot of time and effort into making your lawn picture perfect. Along comes your dog (or the neighbor’s pup) and urinates on the grass, leaving a good-size yellow or brown spot. That hurts. Female dogs contribute more to the problem as they squat in one place. Males lift their leg and tend […]
German Wirehaired Pointer
What is the origin of the German Wirehaired Pointer? This breed was developed in the 19th century in Germany as a hunter and gun dog. Its ancestry includes the Griffon, Deutscher Drahthaar, Deutscher Stichelhaar, Deutscher Kurzhaar, and Pudelpointer. What does the German Wirehaired Pointer look like? The Wirehair is a medium to large size dog […]
Swissguard Basslet
Males and females are both 3.2 in. Damselfish already present in the tank can be aggressive. Minimum tank size is 6.6 gal. as long as quality of water is well maintained. This fish is found in the subtropical and tropical water of North and South America. The Swissguard Basslet’s diet consists mainly of zooplankton. It […]