This fish can be called Ocellaris Clownfish, Common or False Percula Clownfish. Males grow to about 2.75 in., females to 4.3 in. Damsels may be territorial. Minimum size tank 25 gal. They are found in the Eastern Indian Ocean and the Tropical Pacific and is similar to the Percula Clownfish. This fish is both easy […]
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: Ireland Group: Sighthound Height: males 33-36 in., females 30-34 in. Weight: 100-150 lbs. Life span: 6-8 yrs. Trainability: high Good with children: yes Good with other pets: yes with early socialization What is the origin of the Irish Wolfhound? The huge, dignified Irish Wolfhound hunted with Ireland’s kings and queens. […]