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Spay/Neuter in Ferrets
Some ferret breeding facilities spay or neuter their ferrets before putting them up for sale. There are a number of reasons why a ferret should be “fixed.” With female ferrets, spaying helps prevent mammary cancer, uterine infections, uterine cancer, ovarian cysts. With males, prostate cancer and testicular cancer can be avoided. Female ferrets can become […]
Understanding Your Ferret
As with all animals, ferrets speak volumes with their bodies as well as their voices. Learning to read your ferret’s language makes for a happier, closer relationship. When your ferret is hungry or thirsty, s/he will tell you by playing with the food or water bowl. If there is food remaining in the bowl, s/he […]
FDA Approved Treatment for ACD in Ferrets
The FDA has indexed deslorelin acetate for treatment of adrenal gland disease in ferrets. Indexing means that now veterinarians only have to write a prescription to obtain the deslorelin acetate (Suprelorin F – brand name). Previously vets had to go through a complicated procedure to obtain the drug. Suprelorin F is manufactured in Australia and […]