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Keeping Your Bird’s Water Clean
It’s very important to keep your bird’s water fresh and clean. Most birds won’t drink the water in their dish if it is dirty. Birds who stop drinking their water are at risk for dehydration. Some birds like to soften their food in the water. Some will use their water dish as a bathtub – […]
Managing Multiple Birds
You decided to share your home with a pet bird who gave you so much pleasure, you chose to add one or more to the mix. It’s always important to understand your bird’s likes and dislikes, but especially when you have multiple birds. Observe your birds individually and how they react to each other when […]
Bird Perches
In the wild, birds encounter perches with various size, shape, texture, and flexibility, requiring them to constantly adjust their grip. In this way, they exercise all of the muscles in their feet and legs. Bird perches for captive birds should provide the same exercise, to prevent sore, stiff, and even arthritic legs. Bird perches are […]