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Protect dog walkers, riders, and their pets from outdoor shocks
HOW TO SLAY AN INVISIBLE DANGER. Blair Sorrel, Founder www.StreetZaps.com Contact voltage is a chronic hidden hazard that can readily victimize an unsuspecting dog, walker, or both. No dog lover could possibly observe a more horrifying scene than witnessing his beloved pet instantaneously maimed or tragically electrocuted. When you exercise your pooch, please exercise greater […]
Prepare Your Pets for Natural Disasters
Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and other natural disasters can wreak devastation on people and pets. Since there is not always sufficient warning of an impending disaster, it is best to be prepared at all times. Some tips on keeping animals safe during a disaster: Animals should not be left behind. You don’t know how long it […]
Keep Your Cat Hydrated
All living things on earth require water to survive. Although cats’ ancestors were desert creatures, they need to drink water to maintain body functions and good health. In the wild, cats would spray urine to mark their territories and to protect buried food. Water sources were impossible to mark, making cats very cautious when drinking. […]