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Repeating Commands
When asking your dog to do something, do you find yourself repeating a specific instruction several times (example-stay, stay, stay and so on)? Don’t feel badly, many of us are guilty of this behavior. Perhaps we humans think if we repeat a command, our dog will get it and do the behavior. Professional trainers tell […]
Toys To Assist Your Children’s Growth
Play is without a doubt a major part related to a child’s development and is quite often thought of plus seen as the “work of children”. They play constantly therefore need options of very good developmental toys to choose from and this is exactly why we really should try and understand more about the need […]
Regal Angelfish
The Regal Angelfish is a sensitive fish and should only be kept by an experienced fish keeper. It is found in the Red Sea and tropical Indo-Pacific. Males and females are both 10 in. Larger tangs and other angelfish can be aggressive. This fish should be kept singly in a peaceful tank. Minimum tank size […]