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Flagfin (Threespot) Angelfish
The Flagfin Angelfish is found along the East African coastline, to Sri Lanka and the Maldives and the western topical Pacific including southern Japan and Australia. It is a medium to hard fish to keep. It is more likely to thrive in a reef-type system with plenty of invertebrate-encrusted live rock. Younger specimens and specimens […]
Why Cats Climb Trees
Why do cats climb trees? Well, they do so for several reasons. It’s easier to see what’s going on in the neighborhood sitting high in a tree. Cats will climb trees to escape from predators like the neighbor’s dog. Being predators themselves, they also have a better view of any prey nearby. Sometimes that prey […]
International Polar Bear Day
International Polar Bear Day is celebrated on February 27. The day is dedicated to learning more about polar bears and the dangers they face. The polar bear is related to the brown bear and probably evolved from brown bears which became isolated from the rest of their species. Brown bears and polar bears can mate […]