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Second Careers for Racehorses
Retired racehorses often begin “second careers” in other sports, as studs/broodmares or as therapeutic pets. At the Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit at Keeneland June 28, 2010, speakers stressed the need for racehorses to be treated well in order for them to have the ability to start a second career. If pushed too […]
Resiniferatoxin for Cancer
Resiniferatoxin is made from the sap of a Moroccan cactus-like plant. It is a plant that contains the chemical that makes chile peppers hot. Researchers have tested resiniferatoxin (RTX) on dogs suffering with the severe pain of osteosarcoma. The chemical destroyed the pain-sensing nerves that control a type of heat-related inflammatory pain although it has […]