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Flemish Giant Rabbit
Flemish Giant Rabbits have been known to be bred as far back as the 16th century in Belgium. They were imported to the U.S. in the late 19th century. Due to their size and disposition, they have become one of the more popular breeds of rabbit. Flemish Giants weigh about 14-18 lbs. as adults. They […]
Majestic Angelfish
Males are 11 in., females smaller. The majestic can take care of itself and will hide to avoid confrontations with territorial fish. Tank size is a minimum of 106 gal. Found in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Great Barrier Reef and Micronesia. List of Fish Andaman Damselfish Arabian (Orange) Dottyback Asful (Arabian) Angelfish […]
Spondylosis in Pets
Spondylosis is a degenerative disorder meaning it grows worse with time. It causes loss of spinal structure and function. Bone spurs (osteophytes) form at the edges of vertetrae, sometimes forming bony bridges between them. Usually, the lower back is affected, but it can occur in the neck and anywhere along the spine. Spondylosis is an […]