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Can Pets Have Allergies to Penicillin?
Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming, It still plays a very important role treating all types of bacterial infections. Unfortunately, some humans have had allergic reactions to penicillin, some severe, even life-threatening. Today, amoxycillin, which is a derivative of penicillin, is the antibiotic of choice as it is better tolerated. Amoxycillin […]
Fraidy Cats
Most cats easily adjust to their families’ routines and even strangers who come for a visit. They’ve been socialized early to understand human behavior and take it all in stride. But some cats can be fearful and there are a number of reasons – lack of socialization, traumatic experiences, being weaned too early, taught to […]
How Frogs Eat Their Prey
If you’ve ever watched a frog eat prey, you’ve probably noticed that they close their eyes when swallowing. Scientists x-rayed frogs as they consumed crickets to discover what happens. The x-rays showed that the frog’s eyes don’t only close as they swallow, they retract down towards the esophagus. During swallowing the eyes appear to touch […]