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Years ago my Dad had a pharmacy and as a lover of animals, he kept a cat there. Terramycin (named for an antibiotic) wandered into the pharmacy one day and made it her home. Then we discovered she was pregnant. Terra, as we affectionately called her, soon gave birth to one little kitten whom we […]
ALERT – Senate passes ban on crush videos
In a previous Alert, we advised you that after passing in the House of Representatives, the bill to ban the sale of crush videos was going to the Senate. Another victory – the Senate unanimously passed H.R. 5566. It goes back to the House to act on the Senate version of the bill. Contact your […]
CDC-H3N2v and Pig Exposure
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has said that the number of H3N2v reported cases in the U.S. Since July, 2012 has reached 224 as of today (August 17th). The CDC notes that so far the virus has not spread readily from person to person. Exposure to pigs seems to be the source […]