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Resiniferatoxin for Cancer
Resiniferatoxin is made from the sap of a Moroccan cactus-like plant. It is a plant that contains the chemical that makes chile peppers hot. Researchers have tested resiniferatoxin (RTX) on dogs suffering with the severe pain of osteosarcoma. The chemical destroyed the pain-sensing nerves that control a type of heat-related inflammatory pain although it has […]
Heatstroke in Dogs
Heatstroke can occur if a dog is left in a car in hot weather or left outside without a shady area and water in hot weather. This requires immediate veterinary attention. If you have to take your dog outdoors in hot weather, be sure to take along enough water to prevent heatstroke. If you are […]
White Cats and Deafness
Not all white cats are deaf. And white cats are not albino. Due to lack of pigmentation, an albino cat will have pink eyes and be sensitive to light. White cats have genes that carry color. But they have another gene that causes masking of the color. This means that all colors are covered or […]