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Animal Fun Facts For Your Website
The Pet Wiki Do you like the Animal Fun Facts that you see on our homepage? We’ve had a lot of fun putting them together. Everyday we give you a new animal fact. Increase your animals knowledge! If you’d like to add it to your WordPress blog, we’ve made a special extension just for you. […]
Rodeos are competitions based on skills that cowboys need for ranch work. They include events like Tie-down roping, Team Roping, Steer wrestling, Saddle bronc riding, Bareback Bronc-Riding, Bull riding and Barrel racing. Informal rodeos were held starting in the 1820s in the Western United States and northern Mexico. The first official competition was held in […]
Predicting Survival Times for Cancer
As pet lovers, a diagnosis of cancer in our pets is devastating. One of the many questions we always ask is what is the prognosis, how long with my beloved pet live. The answer is complicated and very difficult to provide. There are several factors to consider when attempting to estimate survival time. Even the […]