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The Exotic Sand Cat
Sand Cats look like smaller versions of our domesticated pets. But don’t let size fool you, they are wild. Sand Cats can be found from the Sahara throughout the Middle East into Turkestan in sandy and stony deserts. Sand Cats are 10-12 inches tall, 29-36 inches long and weigh about 4-8 lbs. Their soft dense […]
To Buy or Not – Free Range
The term, free range, refers to animals that are allowed to roam freely without being restrained. Chickens are sometimes referred to as cage-free. Eggs from free range chickens are included. Free range does not necessarily mean organic. The Organic Food Production Act of 1990 requires that an animal be fed pesticide-free and chemical-free organic food […]
Osteochondrodysplasia is the term for a number of disorders where there is malformation and growth of cartilage and bone. Osteo means bone, chondro is cartilage and dysplasia is abnormal development. It is a hereditary disorder resulting in abnormal skeletal development. Deformities that occur often result in shortened limbs. In severe cases, surgery is often necessary […]