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What You Should Know About Pet Cremation
With permission, this article was copied from Chet Womach’s The Dog Training Minette, the writer of the article is a former vet technician who writes many informative articles for the site. This is an important article for so many people who, when deeply grieving the loss of their furpal, need to understand what to […]
Can Pet People Bond With Other Humans
A while back I met someone who shared a startling opinion with me. This person felt that people who gave love to pets could not forge bonds with other humans. This person thought that if you love an animal, you have no love to give to a person. To the contrary, science has proven that […]
Easy Safe Tick Removal for Pets and Humans
A friend on a yahoo group I belong to (Canine Cancer Prevention) shared this with us. A nurse discovered this safe, easy way to remove ticks. It works in places where it’s difficult to get to with tweezers. It also works well on dark fur or dark hair. Instructions: Apply a few drops of liquid […]