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Motion Sickness in pets
You love your pet, but whenever you go driving or boating, your pet starts to feel sick and may throw up. However as soon as the car ride or boating stops your pet starts to feel okay again. If this is the case, your pet might be suffering from motion sickness although this is rare. […]
ALERT – Crush Videos
The bill to ban crush videos has passed Congress. Now it will go to President Obama for his signature and will finally become law. One more good news item for animals. For background on this bill, see: ALERT – Senate passes ban on crush videos New in the News about Crush Videos Facebook Comments Box
Vegetarian Pets
If you’re a vegetarian, should your pet be one too? This is a controversial issue and animal rights activists are divided. Here are some of the arguments for and against feeding your pet a vegetarian diet. Yes, pets should eat a plant-based diet Buying meaty pet food supports the same meat industry that vegetarians and […]