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Diarrhea in Cats
If your cat has diarrhea, it’s best to call your veterinarian if it lasts more than 2 days. Be prepared beforehand to answer a number of questions so that your vet can determine the cause of diarrhea. Some of the questions will include frequency of bowel movements, is your cat straining, is there blood in […]
Dogs Who Howl/Whine
It’s important to remember that dogs are descended from wolves and wolves communicate by howling. So dogs come by howling and whining naturally, although not all dogs use this ability. It has possibly been diluted with domestication. When wolves howl, the sound carries and they are able to communicate over very long distances. Howling can […]
Equine Wolf Teeth
It is estimated that about 60-70% of horses develop what is known as wolf teeth anywhere from birth to 12 months old. They are usually found in the upper jaw near or in front of the first cheek tooth. Wolf teeth are vestigial pre-molars and look like pegs, varying in size. In some instances they […]