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Dog Breeding
When dogs were first domesticated in prehistoric times, humans encouraged the survival of certain types of dogs by feeding and caring for the ones that were useful to them, and killing or neglecting the others. As a result, certain dog types emerged. People encouraged these distinctions by mating dogs of a certain type with each […]
June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month
Shelter cats should be considered for adoption all year, but June has been designated as a special month for adoption. There are several things you can do to celebrate Shelter Cat Adoption Month. Visit your local shelter. Take a friend or two along. Volunteer to help in any capacity they may need you. Become a […]
Choosing a Parakeet
Parakeets are also known as Budgerigars (Budgies) in their native Australia. Parakeets are lively, friendly birds that can live about 13 years with proper care. Choosing a parakeet requires some observation. Watch the birds in the cage. You can tell which ones are more active, less timid and even try to perform for you. If […]