Moving With Your Bird

Bird Cage Outside

Moving without pets is stressful enough. Sometimes the work preparing the new house, packing and then unpacking seem like insurmountable situations. With all the chaos in the house your bird is bound to feel the tension. Moving is a big change for everyone, including your bird.

As prey animals, birds need to feel that their environment is safe and secure. Here are some ways to help your bird adjust more easily to its new home.

  • Before moving, have the vet give your bird a complete checkup to make sure s/he is in good health. If you’re moving out of state or out of the country, you’ll need health and vaccination certificates.
  • A new home often means the purchase of lots of new items. But wait until your bird is comfortable in the surroundings before purchasing a new cage. The familiar cage is like a security blanket, so don’t make any changes to it.
  • Transport the cage to the new home and have it ready for your bird. S/he can be placed in a carrier temporarily. It will be less of a hassle if you prepare the cage ahead of time.
  • If you’re flying, acclimate your bird to the airline carrier at least a week before you plan to leave. Attach copies of veterinary certificates. List your destination, a phone number where you can be reached and any pertinent instructions for your bird.
  • Place your bird’s cage in an area where s/he will be the least nervous about noise and activity, but will still be able to see you. If the area is similar to the one in the old house, so much the better.
  • Birds find safety in numbers, their flock, and you have taken that position. Your bird will be less stressed if you can spend a couple of days home in the new place with him/her.
  • Move everything into the new home leaving your bird for last. The less tumult for your bird, the better. Unlike dogs and cats, birds should not be moved back and forth to the new location as it can result in undue stress. Secure the carrier or cage in the car so that your bird is not jostled much and is as comfortable as possible.
  • Try not to cover the cage or carrier and prevent the bird from watching the activity. Your bird will probably feel more secure if able to see the goings-on.
  • Allow your bird to take time to adjust to the new house. With time, curiosity will work to let him/her explore the new surroundings.
  • Remember to keep outside doors closed, windows too.

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