World Pet Association Announces Matsui Award Recipient at SuperZoo Trade Show

The World Pet Association (WPA), the oldest nonprofit organization within the industry promoting responsible growth and development of companion pets and related products and services, has awarded Gwen Powell, WPA director of community development, with the Matsui Award.

Deemed the organization’s highest honor, the Matsui Award is named after former board president Jiro Matsui, and is presented to honor lifetime contributions to the pet industry.

“Gwen has demonstrated an exemplary dedication to the pet industry through her time with WPA and through the different roles she’s served in other capacities over the years,” said Doug Poindexter, WPA president. “We’re excited to bestow our organization’s highest award upon her to recognize her outstanding work in the industry and her commitment to improving the lives of companion animals and those who work with them.”

Prior to joining WPA, Powell was owner of Long Beach Seed & Pet and served as vice-president of the former retailer trade group, California Association of Pet Professionals; and also as a manufacturer representative, working for Penn-Plax.

The Matsui Award has been presented 30 times since its inception in 1969, and was last given in 2008, when WPA honored Liz Baronowski of the Pasadena Humane Society.

About the World Pet Association:
The World Pet Association (WPA) is the oldest industry organization promoting responsible growth and development of the companion pet and related products and services. As society’s “humanization” of pets grows stronger, WPA knows it is important to inform and educate the general public to ensure safe and healthy lifestyles for our animal friends. WPA plays host to America’s Family Pet Expo, the world’s largest pet and pet products expo, hosted annually in Costa Mesa, Calif., and Puyallup, Washington. The organization also holds SuperZoo, an annual pet industry trade show that showcases a comprehensive collection of exhibits and offers a variety of informative educational seminars known as SuperZoo University. WPA also offers Pet Industry Briefs, a free weekly e-newsletter providing vital industry information at your fingertips. For more information on WPA or to sign up for Pet Industry Briefs, please visit

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