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Asian Water Monitor
The Asian Water Monitor (varanus salvator) is a challenge to keep as pet even for herpers used to handling lizards. Herpers are people involved with reptiles and amphibians. It comes from the word herpetology which is the study of reptiles and amphibians. This lizard’s native habitat is southern Asia from India east to the […]
Fielding Your Runaway Dog
Accidents happen and suddenly you find your dog has gotten loose and run off. You do all the things necessary to find him/her, but your dog is missing for several days or longer. Finally, your persistence pays off and you get a call that your dog has been sighted or you spot the dog yourself. […]
Military Dogs and PTSD
Military dogs go through a rigorous training period and play an undisputed role helping the armed forces in many ways. Unfortunately not only do our soldiers suffer post traumatic stress disorders, but combat can do the same to our 4-legged friends. Still a fairly new concept, it’s estimated that more than 5% of military dogs […]