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Snails are easy and inexpensive to care for, needing only minimal attention. Their life span is fairly long, about 3-7 years in captivity so be prepared for a long-term pet. Care Snails can get bored easily and require diversions. One way to accomplish this is to keep a number of snails together in the same […]
What to Do if Your Pet Gets Lost
Losing a pet can be traumatic for the entire family. The Humane Society of the United States provides advice on what to do if you lose your pet. Contact local animal shelters and animal control agencies. Check your phone book or search online for local shelters and report your pet missing. You should file a […]
Rodeos are competitions based on skills that cowboys need for ranch work. They include events like Tie-down roping, Team Roping, Steer wrestling, Saddle bronc riding, Bareback Bronc-Riding, Bull riding and Barrel racing. Informal rodeos were held starting in the 1820s in the Western United States and northern Mexico. The first official competition was held in […]