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What’s New in Cancer Treatments for Dogs: Page 2
What’s New in Cancer Treatments for Dogs: Page 1 It should be noted that the National Canine Cancer Foundation has awarded “Resvantage Canine” what they call their “Pink Paw Seal of Approval”, saying it is “a product that helps to advance the holistic health of our pets and helps fight canine cancer.” (Resvantage is Pfizer’s […]
Greens for Your Dog
While cats are obligate carnivores and can do without a bunch of green stuff in their diet, what about dogs. Actually dogs can do with a little greening in their meals. Lets look at the reasons. Plants contain a substance called chlorophyl that allows them to absorb energy from sunlight. Except for one atom, chlorophyl […]
Sound Wave Therapy for Pain
Sound wave technology offers a non-invasive treatment for pain and lameness. High energy sound waves are a type of pressure using vibration on an object. Also known as pulses, controlled sound waves penetrate soft tissue to the area to be treated and stimulating the body to repair itself. Sound wave technology cuts healing time and […]