What pet is right for me?

Cat and Dog

What pet should I choose? Here are some tips to help you choose your own pet and make both yourself and your pet happy.




  • Can be taught tricks and will come when called
  • Can live for up to 15 years if properly cared for
  • Can be taken on trips and camping when you go away (note that some hotels don’t accept dogs, so choose your pet-friendly hotels beforehand)
  • Dry dog food isn’t too expensive
  • Doesn’t mind new people
  • Usually a mongrel (crossbreed) lives longer than a purebreed


  • Should be spayed or neutered to prevent excessive puppies
  • Must be licensed
  • Not accepted in some apartment buildings
  • Must be let out every few (7-8 hrs) to use the bathroom
  • Some people are allergic to dogs



  • Easy to care for
  • Can be left alone for a few days if given enough food and water
  • May be taught to come when called
  • Excellent at keeping your house mouse-free
  • Relatively low cost of keeping
  • Usually, choosing a mongrel is a better idea


  • Should be spayed or neutered
  • Needs a scratching post
  • Many cats don’t really like visitors
  • Some people have allergies to cats
  • Not accepted in some apartment buildings

Birds (parrots, canaries, etc)


  • Allergy friendly (most people aren’t allergic to feathers)
  • Food is very cheap
  • A singing bird can make your house sound very melodiously
  • Some macaws, parrots can live almost 100 years
  • Somewhat more likely to be accepted in an apartment than a dog or cat


  • Cage must be cleaned fairly often or it can smell
  • Not all birds like visitors
  • Some birds need company of another bird to stay happy



  • Needs very little care other than feeding and occasional washing
  • Accepted in most buildings
  • Can live up to half a century


  • Not very soft (very hard to pet!)



  • Very soft and fluffy
  • Can be litter trained


  • Must have hay in cage at all times
  • May not get along well with cats or dogs

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