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American Curl
Vital Statistics: Place of Origin: United States Coat Type: silky, long & short haired Color: all cat colors & patterns Temperament: affectionate, people-oriented, get along with other pets Where does the American Curl come from? The first American Curl was originally found in Lakewood, California. In 1981, two longhair kittens were found by the Ruga […]
When Pets Sleep Deeply
Dogs and cats have sleep patterns very similar to humans. They experience dreams, rapid eye movements (REM) and other aspects of human sleep. The difference is they sleep a lot more hours than we do. Dogs sleep about 14 hours a day. Large dogs such as Saint Bernards and Mastiffs are often referred to as […]
Best Friends 2012 Pet Conference
Best Friends is hosting the No More Homeless Pets Conference to be held October 25-28, 2012 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Early registration is $275, a $50 savings off the regular registration fee. Registrations for this event have begun. The 2012 Conference begins on Thursday and ends Saturday with optional workshops free on Sunday for registrants. […]