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HSUS – More News on Sharks
The Chinese recently celebrated 15 days of their year 4709, the Year of the Dragon and only a small minority of people chose to serve shark fin soup. According to the HSUS, the tide is turning in favor of the sharks. The Hong Kong-based luxury hotel group, Shangri-La, announced it will stop serving shark fin […]
Caring for Your Bird’s Beak
A bird’s healthy beak is vital for your bird and has many uses – eating, climbing, tearing, preening, to name some. Your bird should be able to perform all these functions without a problem. Your bird’s beak is made out of keratin, the same material as fingernails are made from. And just like fingernails, the […]
FoA Run for NYC Dogs and Cats
Friends of Animals (FoA) is holding a run for New York City’s cats and dogs . It is the Brooklyn Half Marathon and will be held on May 19th. FoA hopes to raise funds to help them continue their lifesaving efforts for animals and subsidize their low-cost spay/neuter program in the New York Metropolitan area. […]