Popular Exotic Pets: Capybara Stick Insect Donkey Hedgehog Goats Pigs Sugar Gliders Wallabies Skunks Ferret An exotic pet is an animal which is not usually kept as a pet. This definition is inexact, since most pet stores call any animal other than cats, dogs, small rodents, small birds or fish as “exotic,” and others might […]
REDIRECT IBD in Cats and Dogs Facebook Comments Box
Living Clay (Calcium Montmorillonate), also known as Edible Detox Clay, is an Ayurvedic remedy. Ayurveda is believed to be the oldest healing science. The word, Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit – ayus meaning life or lifespan and veda meaning knowledge. Practiced in India for over 5,000 years, it is a holistic approach to preventing and treating […]