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Teaching Toddlers About Pets
Your toddler is reaching the age of exploration and takes new interest in your pet. Children are never too young to learn how to treat pets, especially at this stage. The most important thing to remember is never leave you toddler unattended with your pet. You must be there to supervise playtime and any time. […]
Flax Supplement for Horses
Flaxseed is coming into use as a nutritional supplement for horses. It is a plant usually grown in northern climates with Canada being the largest producer. Flaxseed is sometimes referred to as “linseed.” Flaxseed is an excellent source of fiber, containing about 30%, and fat, about 40%. It also supplies Omega 3 (as alpha-lineolic acid) […]
GPS Systems and Guide Dogs
A new system of GPS has come into use the for visually-impaired and their guide dogs (users of canes as well). There are several voice activated systems on the market, designed to complement a guide dog. Since only a small percentage of visually-impaired people venture to new places, the GPS systems can open a whole […]