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Putting More Pets in the Classroom
More than 210,000 elementary age school children have the chance to interact on a daily basis with a pet thanks to The Pet Care Trust. Pets in the Classroom, an educational grants program offered by The Pet Care Trust (PCT) to support responsible pet care for school classrooms, grew by leaps and bounds in 2011, […]
Storing Horse Feed
Safely storing horse feed and hay ensures that there’s always healthy, clean food on hand. Proper storage prevents mold, insect and rodent contamination and other contaminants that can grow on food. The best quality hay is bought at harvest time. Reducing moisture content is vital to safe storage. Hay that is baled with too high […]
Are Cats Happy Living Indoors?
There’s a long list of reasons for keeping a cat indoors. Cats allowed to go outdoors at will face many hazards – getting hit by a car, being stolen, injured fighting with other cats, dogs or other animals attacking them. And neighbors would not be pleased with a cat digging in their gardens or urinating […]