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Nuclear Sclerosis in Cats and Dogs
Nuclear Sclerosis, sometimes called Lenticular Sclerosis is similar in appearance to cataracts and glaucoma, as the eye becomes cloudy. One of the differences is that with Nuclear Sclerosis, vision is usually not significantly affected. The parts of the eye concerned with nuclear sclerosis are: the cornea, the transparent tissue in front of the lens that […]
National Cat Day, October 29th
National Cat Day is being celebrated October 29th. The goal of National Cat Day is to encourage people to adopt cats as pets from local shelters. Estimates given are that shelters receive about 4 million cats annually and euthanize between 1-2 million yearly. If you are already owned by a cat or several cats, consider […]
Why Do Cats Bite During Petting
You’re sitting quietly when your cat rubs against you or settles beside you asking to be petted. You happily oblige when all of a sudden, seemingly without warning, your cat bites you. You wonder what you did to deserve that. Well, for one thing, you probably didn’t pay attention to your cat’s body language. Did […]