Tessa couldn’t climb the stairs

Here’s a great story we received from one of our customers on our Facebook page:

I adopted Tessa at 8 y/o as her family no longer wanted her. I am an avid hiker and Tessa enjoys 3 miles on the trails each day. Two years ago she became unable to jump into the back of my SUV. No problem.. I was always happy to give her a hand.

Sharing this development with my vet he prescribed Rymidyl. Knowing the contraindications of this product I went online and ordered Dog Gone Pain. A family member used it with somewhat success and I thought it would be better than the prescription. I was not thrilled with DGP but I did feel it was better than nothing. Anyway, a few months ago, Tessa, who is now 12 y/o was having difficulty getting up the three stairs of my front porch as well as the two steps coming into the house from the garage. I’d have to go out and give her a boost up the stairs….not too good when you’re barefoot and it’s 35 degrees out at nite.

I went online to order the DGP which I ran out of and came across a website that compared products of this nature. I was curious about Flexpet and checked further. I decided to give your product a try. It was the best decision that I made for Tessa. With only three pills a day ( I was givng 5 DGP) Tessa is now doing the stairs without a problem. This is HUGE as the winter is rapidly approaching and the thoughts of always having to go out and give her a lift many times a day was not too encouraging. Also the fact that she needed help was not good for her self-esteem.

Tessa started doing the stairs after only three days on FLEXPET. I am very grateful to FLEXPET for restoring soundness and dignity to my beautiful Lab. Tessa is still unable to jump into the SUV but at 12 y/o I really don’t even want her to try. Hope that this little story has answered your questions.

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