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Traditionally, all animals in China have been considered as food sources and not as pets. During the Mao era it was considered decadent to own a pet. There was barely enough food for people, let alone for animals. In recent years, pet ownership has become popular, especially in the big cities where many people live […]
Elf Cat
Where does the Elf Cat come from? Karen Nelson, in the United States, developed the Elf Cat, a cross between the American Curl and the hairless Sphynx. The American Curl is a hearty cat while the Sphynx can have heart disease. Ms. Nelson, after losing a pet Sphynx to heart problems decided to bring out […]
Adding Herbs/Spices to Your Dog’s Diet
Herbs and spices are important additions to food. They give flavor to food as well as healing powers for ailments. With NSAIDs having so many serious side effects adding to a pet’s illness, it’s time we used herbs and spices to support and promote good health. Herbs and spices in daily use can improve the […]