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What Pets Can Teach Us about Spirituality
We often focus on what we can teach our pets and forget to look at what our pets can teach us. Animals have certain characteristics which, if we embraced, would help us lead happier, more fulfilled and more spiritual lives. Pets don’t give up. If you throw a ball at them they will try to […]
Do Pigs make good pets? Pigs have been here since before the Ice Age. They are highly intelligent and social animals. They train quickly and easily with positive reinforcement. They may try to dominate and need firm, patient but kind discipline. With a harness and leash, pigs should be taken out for walks. They can […]
Where Do Exotic Pets Come From
Exotic pets are animals that are wild captured or bred from wild captured animals. Most exotic pets, while cute and cuddly when young, mature into their wild natures. They can become very aggressive as adults. Because these animals were raised in captivity, they don’t have the skills to survive if returned to the wild. Sadly, […]