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Cats-Defining Feral and Stray or Homeless
Feral cats are the offspring of lost or abandoned pets or other feral cats. They are usually wild and having had no human contact, are fearful of people. Some feral cats, with time and patience, can adapt to being pets. Stray/Homeless cats are pets that are lost or have been abandoned. They are accustomed to […]
Should Your Horse’s Hay Be Soaked
Grazing is the mainstay of a horse’s diet. But there are times when grazing is not available and you must purchase hay to make up for the deficiency. Once you’ve decided on the type of hay that’s right for your horse, another question arises. Should you soak the purchased hay and in the process, change […]
Grass-Eating Dogs
There’s a lot of debate but no one knows for certain why dogs eat grass. Some dogs eat grass at every opportunity while others may only partake of it occasionally. Grass-eating appears to help the occasional gobbler soothe an upset stomach by vomiting. Dogs that eat grass on an almost daily basis usually don’t show […]